Sunday, March 2, 2008

Camouflage Artist - Bev Doolittle

I love the art of Bev Doolittle. I discovered her paintings on a trip to the Southwest several years ago. I like optical illusions and art that is otherwise visually engaging. And I love Southwestern art. Bev's work certainly is all three. When you see it you have to look for things she's hidden in it. Her art isn't all "New York hip art scene".....and you can consider it corny or too romantic if you want too. But I love looking for the hidden elements in each piece. This is from her website: "She is often called a "camouflage artist" because her distinctive use of context, design and pattern help viewers discover meanings which seem hidden only until they become obvious. "I use camouflage to slow down the storytelling in a painting. But my messages about our wilderness and native peoples are never hidden." As proof of her dedication to these issues, a portion of the proceeds from sales of Doolittle prints is donated anonymously to environmental and other causes each year."

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