Saturday, April 25, 2009

Isaiah Zagar in Jingletown

In the previous post you may have recognized the very cool style of one particular mosaic artist: Isaiah Zagar.

He lives in Philadelphia and has covered the famous South Street area with his own style of mosaics.
He has now done several in Jingletown too.

As with the last post, I am not going to be specific about where his mosaic murals are. Just come to Jingletown, follow the map and see for yourself.

Hint: this particular mosaic is technically outside of Jtown.

It's on Blanding Street in Alameda - just across the Park Street Bridge.
The red dots indicate the locations of his mosaics.

To learn more about Isaiah Zagar, click here.
To learn more about Jingletown, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim,

    I hope you were properly thanked for the great publicity you've given some of the Jingletown artists and businesses here on your blog. Would be terrible if it went unnoticed or if you weren't given proper credit.

    Great job, as always,
