Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mosaic Backsplash

More mosaics around the house!
This kitchen mosaic measures approximately 25 square feet in total. It begins over the sink and counter, extends to walls around the stove and ends in a small bar area. I kept with the theme of vines and dragonflies because, I figure, why not!
The project began with the demolition of the existing tiles.

I didnt know what condition the wall behind them would be in.
This is an old house and the existing walls are lath and plaster.
The demolition took it's toll on the plaster.

I then covered the wall with Easyboard simply screwed into the existing boards.
Next step was to adhere the glass mosaic pieces and tape them in place to dry.

I cover everything with tarps to protect the area and for easy clean up.

This installation uses a combination of traditional tiling and broken tile mosaics.

Here it is finished.

After the sink backsplash was finished I moved on the the stove area. The same procedures took place: demolition, tape the vines and insects to the wall to dry then mosaic around them.

The first piece of this mosaic is a small bar area where I used very dark blue tiles.

For the rest of it I used a lighter greyish-blue color with purple flecks. This way there is a continuity in the color scheme but without being overwhelmingly one color.

Here is the stove area finished:

Here are close-ups of the finished piece:

Kitchen Mosaic for private residence
March 2010
25 square feet total

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