Monday, July 30, 2012

Olympia - A Mosaic Garden Sculpture

I finally finished a project that had literally stood behind me, looking over my shoulder, for over a year!
 I have named her Olympia because of the Olympics that are happening right now. A little corny, I know, but I am usually bad with naming my pieces. And she reminds me of how the gymnasts throw their arms into the air when they "stick" their landings.
 I started sculpting her about a year and a half ago. When that part was finished (shown here) I began mosaicking her. 
  As usual I just let the tessarae ramble where they wished....but then I got off track...or became daunted by the difficulty of mosaicking a 3D piece... or I simply lost my train of thought with her. So behind me she stood, silently and patiently reminding me to keep looking for that lost train of thought! 
So finally a week ago I restarted and finally finished her. 

 I love to use mirror, especially for garden mosaics, because it will reflect all the colors around it and camouflage it too. That makes it a much more interesting thing to discover hidden in the foliage.

She is 52 inches tall, 38 inches wide and 15 inches deep.  Made of styrofoam, cement, glass and ceramic tile tessarae. 2012. ©Kim Larson


  1. Oh Kim...I am sitting here taking a little rest and thought to myself, well I need to see what you and Liz Crain are up to on your blogs. Looking at all your pictures and seeing Olympia in sculptural form before you mosaiced her has been a real treat. Put a smile on my face. Know she was a hellava lot of work! Nothing like having such a wonderful piece in your garden. Do hope she's chained down ;) Congratulations on finishing her! Great accomplishment. She's gorgeous.
